I fell off the wagon…but not far!

Julia Temisevä
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I went to meet Oliver after work today. Since I got there an hour before he got out, I went to John Lewis to see if they had any 5mm dpns. They did not. But, I saw that they had some point protectors, so I got a pair. I was about to just buy those when I saw the discount bins. Plural! OMG, I so wanted to buy the Debbie Bliss Cashmere they had. But even at being 50% off, I still couldn’t spend £5 on a teeny tiny hank. Instead, I found a skein of Cashsoft 4ply for £1 (such a steal) and three skeins of Jaeger Baby Merino for £1,60 each. They are so pretty! They had way way way more in there, but I was good and only bought those four skeins. Because really, I want to enjoy the stuff I already have. Not just give into rampant consumerism every time I go near “new” yarn. In other knitting news, I finally seamed up the remaining open seam of my Isabella. I tried it on: looks Fabulous. Good thing I decided to remove 4 sts so it’d be a bit narrower, because now it doesn’t feel so loose like the first one did. I’m also working on the sillisukat (I just really like the way that sounds, all I’m saying is Herring Socks). I’ve got the pattern memorized. Now I just have to hope that I have enough yarn. I should and I can always go buy more if I do run out (I checked today that they still have at least one of the colors that I’m working with).

The highlights of my virtual absence… kinda

Julia Temisevä
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Guess who’s sick again. That’s right. Me. >_< At least whatever it is that I have is going away now. Yesterday was not pretty, but today I felt okay enough to go to Meadowhall with Oliver. Bought some jeans. The exact same ones that I bought about two months ago but a size smaller. Hopefully, these ones will stay up even after they stretch.

Christmas was good. I made the Christmas Day food already on the 23rd. (Thing is what I call the dishes I made. The literal translation of the word into English would be box and that’s not what the food is, so thing is what I’m designating it as.) The swede thing turned out perfectly, the potato thing was okay but not quite right and the carrot thing, well, needed more carrots. Good practice for next year when Oliver and I go to Hawaii over to Ellu’s for Christmas and New Year’s. The Christmas Eve meal was easy to make since it was mainly just setting the fish dishes onto the table. No further preparation needed. The present side of Christmas? Very nice haul indeed. Jaz had this awesome calendar made for me; it’s all pictures of me. Very narcissistic, I know. But just all of the thought that went into it, like sneaking onto my MSN Msgr account to talk to people I know in Aber and ask them for pics of me and then getting them to keep quiet about it… :D Then from Anji, Oliver’s sister, got me yarn! It’s so nice to actually get stuff I’ve asked for. And, she got me this sport weight Peruvian sock yarn in the exact colorway I’d been eyeing at the store! So yes, I was very pleased with that gift. I also got the hairdryer and curler that I’d already requested for my birthday (my parents), a bag for my camcorder and camera (from Oliver’s parents), Oliver & I got matching shirts from Jade :D, lots of chocolate (always good) and a jigsaw puzzle that I won’t attempt until I’ve got the time and space for it. It’s only 1500 pieces, which was kind of a let down at first, but then I saw the picture and it’s like whoa. It’s in the style of one of those Where’s Waldo? picture books. Everything looks so much alike. And no Waldo to find either. Since I didn’t have the time to do it at home and no space up here in Sheffield, it’ll have to wait until Oliver and I find a place of our own before I attempt to complete it. What’s another five months or so before I get to do another jigsaw puzzle? :P

On the day that I left, Mocca followed me around everywhere and looked kinda mopey. I guess she knew I was going. Dogs are smart that way.

While I was at home, we all watched Disney’s “The Fox & The Hound”. Jade had never seen it before and when we got to the part where the lady leaves Tod in the forest, all four of us watching were teary. Then Jade started crying, which got my mom crying which in turn made me shed a few tears. Jaz was at the other end of the living room shielding her gaze from us saying: “I can’t see you, I can’t see you. I am not going to cry…”

New Year’s Eve wasn’t that interesting really. Oliver and I spent it in London with Anji&Steve and Dave (Steve’s older brother). Went to the Roses (a pub) and we missed the actual minute Big Ben struck midnight by a few minutes! It was… odd. The whole evening was kinda boring in the sense that I didn’t really know anyone there besides the people I went there with. I did get to meet the man who made the jewelry Oliver got me as a Christmas present last year. :) Some people are really funny when they’re drunk. Oliver and I were sitting side by side on the bench holding hands. Someone had just told a joke or something so we were both smiling. This drunk girl walks past us, randomly says Happy New Year to one person who’s in our group, takes a look at us and really giddly says: “You two look so happy! Are you getting married??” I just grinned back and held up my empty left hand and said: “Uh, no?” :D

I’ve been working on the multicolor/multiyarn Clessidras. They’re getting to be a pain actually. I discovered that I had made a mistake when translating a part of the pattern (I do it in sections as I need them) into a toe-up only until I had already done the heels on both socks. I thought: “Oh well. Not ripping back all the way to the toe.” So I flubbed it and now the cables are sort of where they’re supposed to be, except they’re twisting in opposite directions than in the original pattern. Another “Oh well” moment there when I realized that. I’ve done the ankle increases on one of the socks, but it was so annoying, that I’ve put them aside for a bit. Besides, I need more leftover yarn to complete them with. Which is why I’ll be making some Red herring (or in my case purple and oatmeal) socks so that I’ll have more to use in Clessidra. I also tried swatching for the Spring Shawl Surprice, but my needles are too blunt for the yarn and pattern. Also, since I knit continental but purl eastern, patterning on both sides is a bee-eye-tee-see-aitch. Trust me. Still, I’m not giving up. I’ll keep downloading the clues as they come out and hopefully I’ll get the motivation to try it again a bit later. In the mean time, I’ve got Jeanie to keep me entertained. It’s like Miss V put it: it’s the Clapotis on crack. And I love it. So what did I do so that I could make this wonderful wrap? I want yarn shopping of course. I didn’t plan on buying anything for myself when I went in to the store in Belgium. I had promised my mom that I’d translate the Hedera sock pattern into Finnish for her and she wanted some yarn and needles. So into the shop we went. Bear in mind that this particular store sells little trinket jewelry and lingerie and stuff at the front and on the back wall they’ve got yarn with a few shelves that hold needles and buttons and zippers and ribbons. Guess what I found. Regia sock yarn for 3.95€ per skein!! In Sheffield, that stuff costs at least £3.70 (4,95€ and $7,31 according to Google). What did I do? What any self-respecting sale and/or yarn shopper does: I bought eight skeins of a blue-white colorway thinking that it was the 3.95€. At the till, I find out that it’s actually 3.25€ a skein! I was on such a high that day. ^_^ Also, on the day that I left, my mom started making the Hederas. She started a bit before noon and every so often she’d say: “I’d forgotten how much fun this is.” By the time I was in the waiting area at the train station in Brussles that night, she called me to ask exactly what I meant when I written out the heel instructions. Yep, I’ve gotten her hooked, so to speak. Maybe now that both she and Jade have tried knitting, they’ll keep each other interested in it instead of putting away the needles again. A cool thing that I discovered tonight: I can knit in the dark. Oliver and I were watching an episode of House and he turned off the light. At first I was like: “But I need it…” then I tried a few stitches. Voila! Being able to work on my Tempting while watching TV is very good. Because otherwise it’ll just bore me to death. Seriously. I have another two inches of 2x2 rib to do and I want to poke my eye out just to get rid of the monotony. Even Oliver knows this. When he saw it, he was like: “That’s a very uninteresting pattern for you…” I need something that occupies my brain! Like the Jeanie that I’ll start working on soon-ish.

Oliver’s been working on the language program thing a lot tonight. I keep hearing my own voice. I’m getting used to it, but it still manages to make me cringe once in a while. Do I seriously sound like that??

I think this is enough babble for one night. But it should make up for the over three week silence. Either life is too busy for me to write about it or then nothing happens and there’s no point in blogging about it. Either way, I don’t seem to write a lot lately. Hmm, I guess I should get cracking on my Writing Project piece, huh… it’s due in April. I know it seems far away, but with the ideas I have for it so far, it’ll take a lot of rewriting the 2000 words or so that I already have and then I need to add another 4000 or so + commentary. That’s a lot of work.. o_O

The joys of the holidays

Julia Temisevä
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It is so freakin’ cold out there! I just got back from a walk with Mocca and my cheeks are frozen stiff. This is not what winter in Belgium is! Hasn’t been for the past five years. And the one year I decide I don’t need to bring my thick winter coat with me? Yep, I need it. At least I can borrow my mom’s other coat. And I’ve just given Jaz the only scarf I have with me. So hopefully Oliver will be able to bring me my coat and a scarf when we meet up in London next week. Hmm, I wonder if he can fit my boots in as well… Anyway, during the past few mornings I’ve taken Mocca out for a walk when my mom hasn’t had the time to take her to the park. And since it’s so cold over here (and it’s going to stay at just a little below freezing for the next week) everything has this layer of frost on it. We have no snow, just a lot of frost. And this frost has crystallized onto the spiderwebs. I finally remembered to take my camera with me on the walk, so now I’ve got a few pictures which I’ll put up when I get my laptop back from Jade (she’s playing Sims2 on it).

The plan for the rest of today? Shopping. Yes, I know I said I am done with all of my presents. And I am. I’m not buying anything (except some 5mm dpns if we’ve got the time to stop by the yarn shop in the mall but those are for me so they don’t count). Everyone else still needs to go buy stuff though. And they want me with them. So yay, lots of crowds to annoy me! o/

Did some cleaning yesterday. I was delegated the task of doing all of the bathrooms, vacuuming the downstairs and washing the extractor fan thing in the kitchen. What I don’t quite understand is why people get so stressed out about Christmas, the whole cooking and cleaning and shopping shebang, and then come up with tasks like cleaning the extractor fan when there are other things like simply tidying up that should be done instead? I mean, seriously. Okay, the fan needs cleaning, but why not do that in November or January instead of a few days before Christmas? Or make it a bi-annual thing and do it every spring and autumn? All of these little things wouldn’t be so stressful if there was some planning involved.

I went through some of my old things yesterday and gave away stuff I didn’t want anymore. And some stuff that I was reluctant to part with but the takers really really really wanted them. Basically I gave away old nail polishes, make-up and jewelry. Today, I’m going through my hair things and giving the extras away as well. And after that? Well, I do have three boxes of stuff in my room that I need to go through before I can move on to the ones in the basement. This moving out business is actually kinda fun. I can get rid of junk I really don’t need anymore. Like papers that I’ve been hanging onto for several years because they might have helped Jaz with her school work while she was still in high school. But now that she’s moved on to uni, and therefore we don’t have the same the teachers anymore, I can throw it away! I like being clutter-free. And I’ve made myself stop buying stuff as well. Like two days ago I was at the store with my mom. We were in the beauty section because we needed to pick up another box of hair dye for Jaz (her hair btw looks awesome). I saw a moisturizer that I would’ve liked to have, but then I remembered that I’ve got loads of bottles of that stuff both back in Aber and in my room, so I need to use those up first before I buy anything new.

The water over here tastes kinda funny. Even though we cook with bottled water, and use that in the kettle as well, it still leaves this odd taste. And the bottle of the kettle is filled with white stuff (lime?) so that gets into the bottom of the mug as well. :(

I am so tired. I am being woken up by the dog earlier and earlier every single day. This morning, it was at 7:45. Interrupted a very nice dream too. Kinda weird, but nice. My conclusion from my dream? I’ve been watching Desperate Housewives too much. Mainly because in the dream, I was sorta dating Mike Delfino. Not the actor James Denton, but the character Mike Delfino. So yeah, too much DH. Although, he is kinda hot for a guy who’s twice my age… XD


Julia Temisevä
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I’m cold. My eyes water. I keep getting chills. My nose is kinda runny. Fun stuff. Especially since I’m supposed to travel for about nine hours tomorrow. Augh, my head in pounding. And earlier I was nauseous. Why did I have to get sick just before my vacation? I mean, seriously.

I’m all packed (with the exception of my laptop and lunch, since I won’t make that until tomorrow anyway). Cleaned up my room a bit too. My suitcase is ridiculously heavy. I blame the Christmas presents I’ve got stashed in there. And the DVDs I need to return to Jaz. Oh, I might get to meet Oliver tomorrow while I’m in London. He went to visit his sister tonight and if they don’t have any plans, he’ll come see me at the station for a few hours before I go through the Eurostar check-in. I need help with my bags. *sniffle* Why can’t I ever travel light?

I’ve started Tempting using Caron’s Simply Soft in Autumn Red. I had the yarn in my stash so I figured why not. It’s going pretty quickly actually. Started it last night, after I had finished my Bellatrixes, and I’ve already got like five inches done. If I can keep this up, I might even *gasp* have it done before Christmas! That’d be cool.

I want to be warm. Layering is not helping. I’m currently wearing my top and pyjama bottoms, a robe, wool socks (made by moi), sweats and a fleece zip-up thing. Still getting chills. Maybe I should go to bed, sleep it off hopefully.

Adorable kid

Julia Temisevä
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As I was on my way to the grocery store this morning… And boy was it a beautiful morning! No clouds whatsoever, a nice pink hazy glow on the sea, little black dots of surfers waiting for good waves, no wind, just.. perfect. I need to wake up earlier to enjoy this more often. Anyway, I was going to the store and a little two year old blond boy with big blue eyes was coming towards me, holding his father’s hand as they slowly walked behind the mother pushing a stroller. The boy looked up at me, grinned and said: “Pwitty!” That just made my day. I guess all it takes is a smile and kids think you’re pretty. :D

I also got some prescriptions refilled and knit more of my sock while waiting to see the nurse. Even though my appointment was at 10:15, I knew they’d be running late as usual so I brought my knitting with me. It’s still the Bellatrix sock, but I should have that done by tonight, not much left of the foot before starting the toe. One of the women I sat next to in the waiting room just blurted out: “It’s so nice to see someone knitting again. You don’t see a lot of that anymore…” All of the others in the waiting room just kinda looked oddly at me. Not too sure if it was the sock or the skirt I’m wearing (it’s very colorful).

The portfolio is done. Did the final editing last night. I don’t know should I print it off today before dancing (which would mean more climbing up the hill to get to the right building) or wait until tomorrow when I’ll be picking up my reference letter from one of my tutors… Either way, it’ll be handed in before the 2pm deadline.

My room is nice and warm… ^_^

Julia Temisevä
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Okay, just a quickie since I really really really want to listen to the latest L&V podcast and knit.

Saturday was tiring, as was to be expected. Alan and I danced six dances: Beginner’s Waltz, Quickstep, Cha, Jive, Rumba and then the Open Rock’N’Roll. We were also the D team Quickstep. Amazingly enough, we got to the quarter finals of the Quickstep and Jive!! Who knows how, since our first round of Quickstep was just awful. Awful awful awful. And I’m not exagerrating. He tried to lock step when I thought we were doing just a basic, then vice versa and our “quick quick” timing wasn’t the same but somehow we managed to do the “slow, slow” parts together… Odd. And the Jive? Well, after about 20 seconds of dancing that, my legs got so tired that I couldn’t lift up my feet properly anymore. So maybe the judge saw us at the beginning of our “routine” (basically, we didn’t have one; just muttered what we were going to do next to each other)?

The time I spent in Sheffield was as usual. As in, I love being with Oliver and we have fun doing stuff together, but we don’t actually get to see each other that much since he’s at work all day. Although, during the day time I did have time to finish off my portfolio, finish Anji’s Fetchings, watch ANTM reruns (and do all the editing and setting them to transcode) and finally start socks again! Gotta say, I am in madmadmad love with socks. The ones on my needles right now are the Bellatrix socks (can’t remember exactly where online I got them from) in the variegated white/pink/purple/blue/gold/and more! Regia 4-ply. They are just so relaxing to knit. And fun! Especially after huge projects like a top and a shawl. No, the shawl isn’t done yet, and my Isabella still needs to have one seam sewn up, but at least I’m knitting socks again. I’ve already got one done and immediately cast on the next one. No SSS for me! (That’s Second Sock Syndrome, not the Spring Shawl Surprice which I will also refer to as SSS XD). Oh! And I got my lace yarn for the SSS. Lovely lovely lovely. I just held it and petted it and cuddled it for a bit before putting it away and finishing off the Fetchings. Yarn makes me happy. ^_^

Train ride back to Aber was uneventful. No seat (again) from Sheffield to Birmingham, but that’s okay since it’s only an hour. Then on the Aber train I knit some more while listening to Cast On. :) Can’t be bothered to go food shopping today, so I’ll just be creative with what I’ve got for tonight. I’ll probably start packing later today. I can’t decide which suitcase I’ll be using though: medium or large? Large, as the name suggests, has more space, but that would also make it heavier. I think I’ll try to go for the medium one…

The usual topics I ramble about

Julia Temisevä
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I am done! o/ No, not with my second portfolio, you silly people. With my Isabella. Bound it off last night. Okay, so I still need to weave in the ends, block it and seam it together, but it’s done. Of course, since it’s a tank top, I can’t actually wear it until it gets a hell of a lot warmer (even in my room where I’ve got the radiator on full blast, I have to wear socks and a sweater when I usually just hang out in a T-shirt and sweats).

And I sort of am done with my portfolio. To get to the very minimum limit I need another 20 words. But I’m waiting for my tutor to send me the handout for next week’s seminar so I can include that into the portfolio as well. Oh, and I got my other portfolio back. A First!! I’ve never gotten a first from anything at Aber. Sure, in Montana it was pretty much straight As in Creative Writing because I’m brilliant that way, but over here, it’s always been a 2.1. A solid 2.1., never even attempting to stray over into the First category. It was this news that got me working on this portfolio again. I had kinda given up because I was so annoyed at it, but the Cute Teacher really really liked it, so that gave me the push to make this portfolio good too. Positive reinforcement works. ^_^

Still nervous about tomorrow. Not as nervous as I was earlier in the week, though. It’s kinda settled down into a low hum. Practiced for four hours yesterday and by the end of it, my feet were not happy. No clue how they’ll survive tomorrow when it’s a whole day of dancing in heels. Right now, we’re thinking of competing in six events: Beginners’ Waltz, Quickstep, Chacha, Jive and Rumba, and the open Rock’N’Roll. We haven’t actually practised the Rock’N’Roll together, so we might not do that one. Am still bringing a possible outfit for it though, just in case. The Rock’N’Roll is fun; I was dancing that with Luke (the guy who looks like Ron Weasley [not Rupert Grint, but the Ron I had in my head before the movies came out]). We also did some Rumba and Waltz. Gotta say, he’s gotten better since the first time we danced together. More confident and is able to sorta lead now. :)

What else… went to buy food stuff for tomorrow; the weather was just awful. Pouring down rain for a few minutes then stopping for a bit before continuing. Then coming back, as soon as I got to the Prom, it felt like there was a wall of wind pushing me backwards. Not fun, especially when the wind makes it hard to breathe. I don’t really mind rain in itself, I actually like it, but only when I’m indoors and can watch/listen to it. When I’m out in it and it’s not summer? Nuh uh. It makes my hair go all wonky too. Sorta curls up awkwardly and I can’t get it to stay down.

Finally did some handwashing. Kinda had to since I ran out of warm handknit socks to wear to bed. I had really strange dreams last night. I remember waking up twice; once around four and the other time around seven. Not too sure why or what I dreamed of, but I do remember being annoyed at being cold and thinking that that was an odd dream.

I kinda feel like watching Pearl Harbor or Titanic right now. No idea why. I guess I’m just in the mood for a really long love story movie. *shrugs*

I want to knit socks. But I also want to completely finish off Isabella. And finish the row I started on my shawl. And make some Twinkletoes for Jade… oh the choices. Hmm, I’ll probably wind up doing all of those at some point tonight.

My two hobbies have taken over my life…

Julia Temisevä
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I can tell that I’m about to get my period. During the last few hours I’ve been really happy (found some awesome Bailey’s ice cream!), very annoyed at Martin (I do not want to be cooked alive while showering, thankyouverymuch), kinda down and not in the mood to work on my second portfolio, had weird cravings for salt and then something sweet, feeling very bloated and then content again when I put on my Monkey socks that had been warmed up on the radiator. Gotta love hormones. o_O;;

Oh, and then there’s the teensy little panic about the competition on Saturday. I haven’t really been able to practice much with Alan; today’s session was cancelled and tomorrow we’ve only got about two hours out of four since he’s got lectures and stuff he can’t miss (I, on the other hand, have decided to skip that one rescheduled seminar). Then there’s another hour and a half on Friday evening, but that’s it. I have been trying to practice by myself, usually while cooking, but there isn’t a whole lot of space to do much, let alone Quickstep. And that’s one of the dances that I really need to work on with my timing. And I found out that we’re leaving at five a.m. on Saturday, not four like last time. Yay for an extra hour of sleep. ^_^

Kinda bored with the work they’re giving us at school. I’ve just kinda lost interest in it. I got one of my portfolios back today and I should be getting a solid 2.1 if all of my work is like that, but… I’m just not feeling the drive to strive for better writing right now. I want to do well, but what’s the point if I don’t really care about it? The same goes for my knitting. I’ve got two projects on the needles, one of them almost complete, but I kinda have to force myself to work on those. I want to knit a pair of socks, damnit. Not work on a top or shawl. But, gasp!, I don’t have enough yarn to complete a pair of socks and I’m not going to wear mismatched ones. I even tried going yarn shopping today to find more of the three different sock yarns that I have but the store over here either doesn’t carry the brand, the particular line or the colorway that I want. Grr. Did get some needles for the Spring Shawl Surprice (yes, it’s spelled like that, I did not make a typo) that I’m going to do next month. And on Sunday I finally get to fondle my lovely Lisa Souza Alpaca Lace yarn. And the new Knitty is up! Omg omg omg, I want to make practically everything in this issue. Like, seriously. In mad mad love with it. Especially the Jeanie shawl. Now I just need to finish up some projects before casting on something from this issue. Oooh, I might finally find a use for my Baby Alpaca DK yarn that I’ve got. See, this is why I knit. Even just thinking about it perks me up. *grin*

More chatter about dancing

Julia Temisevä
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No no no! NO. That was my reaction when I heard that today’s class was cancelled. Why? Cancelled classes should be a good thing because it gives you free time, right? Well, it’s been rescheduled for Thursday afternoon. That’s when I’ve got dance practice! And with the competition on Saturday, I can’t afford to miss that practice especially since the stupid fencing people took the timeslot that we usually have on Wednesdays. So, I’m seriously thinking about skipping that class. I’ve only missed one so far, so it’s not like it’s the end of the world. And I’ll e-mail him the work because it is already done. Now I just need to convince Alan to skip his 3pm computer lecture thingy so we can practice for another hour…

I did get my first portfolio done yesterday. Now I could’ve left Friday morning to go to Sheffield. But there’s a practice session Friday night, which I am going to btw since we definitely need to practice, so now I’ve got to pay the £20 for the minibus fare instead of using up the other half of my train ticket. And travel winding country lanes at four in the morning. Bleh. I hope I don’t get nauseous like last time. We should be taking a different route though, so maybe there won’t be as many twists and turns…

Since I’ll be competing as well, I don’t know if I should bring my camcorder or not. I was going to tape Oliver dancing, but if I’m not with my equipment the whole time, I get paranoid that someone’ll steal it. I’m still bringing my camera though.

Eek, it’s so close! And I need to go buy food to eat on Saturday. Should I bring my pillow with me again?

Put on my dancing shoes…

Julia Temisevä
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I get to compete on Saturday!!!!

Okay, off to find clothes to dance in. *grin*