Deadlines! O_O;;; Okay, so in two weeks I have an essay due on the Monday.. then a presentation on the Wednesday, then a week after it another essay and a week after that one more portfolio. Looooovely.. So today I finally kicked myself into action and got books so I can prepare the presentation. I might just wing some of it though. Like I usually do. XD And for some reason, I seem to do okay when I wing it. It’s kind of a scary thought actually. What if I can’t come up with anything? I did write on my personal essay for the exchange program that I thrive under pressure. That’s when I feel like a genius.. but it’s not good when I just freeze. Eh.. -__-
So, now I’ll definitely be going to work on my presentation. I will. I will. I will.
P.S. I’m gonna start cross posting to the other blog because this one is very tempermental. Just in case y’know.
deadlines, essays