
Baby Poncho

Julia Temisevä
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Well, I’m out of yarn. But this is what I have so far. Ta-daa! o/ So when I come back, I’ll continue it. I won’t be taking it home with me because it won’t fit into my suitcase. It feels so nice to knit again. :)

I’ve got an iPod! o/

Julia Temisevä
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Ryan, Oliver & I went to Meadowhall today. I was given my birthday present early. iPod! :D o/ Converting my music library to be compatible with it right now..

Oh these are sooooooooo good. We stopped at Thornton’s and this prompted Ryan to buy “death cubes” again. What he actually bought were the mini caramel shortcakes, but the last time he bought some, we came to the conclusion that the amount of saturated fat in them was so bad that we renamed them to Death Cubes. So now, he just offered me another one. Sooooooooooooo good. ^-^

I’ve finally finished the front bit of the poncho. The annoying thing is that I ran out of green just four rows from the end. The back bit is going to be white. I’ve begun knitting that today and so far I’ve got 30 rows of that done. :) I’m aiming to get all of the white used up tomorrow, so I can take the thing back with me and finish it off at home. The needles aren’t mine, so I’ll be really busy knitting tomorrow. Listening to my iPod while I knit. ^_^

I’ve got a strange headache.. I got it as soon as I had eaten the baked potato. I had a headache Tuesday night as well. Lasted for about 7 hours before I gave in and let Oliver get me some paracetamol. Really strange. I hope this one goes away faster than the Tuesday one.

My shoe broke :(

Julia Temisevä
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Yesterday at Shaun’s BBQ my shoe broke. The nice tan strappy one. The nine of us decided to go play rounders (sorta like softball) in the field. Well, there was no field that we could use, so we wound up in this playground. We made the bases out of the weird thing none of us knew what it was, the big spinning roundabout thing and the swings. Anywayz, I was the only one in a skirt and with improper shoes for running. Go me for being girly. Still, I decided to play anyway and after awhile, one of the straps broke. *sniffle* But once Oliver and I got back to his place, his dad superglued it back together. o/

The pub-crawl in Leicester wasn’t that much fun. I don’t really like going to loud pubs. I don’t mind going out with Anji&Steve because the conversation’s better, but going out in Leicester is not my idea of fun. The house parties aren’t that bad though. The only bit where I really did enjoy myself was in the club Streetlife (a gay club, but still). Hilarious seeing the old man from Chitty Chitty Bang Bang mouth along to Britney’s Toxic. Y’see, they were playing that movie silently in the background while blasting away the dance music. People do unpredictable things when they’re drunk. Like this one friend of Shaun’s suddenly hugged me when we left Streetlife. With a lit cigarette in his hand. I thought he was going to set my hair on fire with it! Not on purpose, but still. Luckily, Shaun took it off him so that wouldn’t happen. Then on the way back, a group of guys laughed as they went past us. Not so unusual in itself, but once we had walked along a bit more, we saw this girl on the ground crying with blood dripping onto the ground. The group of people with her had already called an ambulance and the police so we didn’t stop. No point in gawking. I think it was just her nose bleeding, but it still made me feel uneasy for the rest of the trip back. Especially since I was the only sober one out of the group.

On Saturday we stopped by Leicester Pride. Really nice weather. It wasn’t that interesting really. But I did see lots of cute dogs. And in the same park there was a gathering of families. The kids were really cute. There were these two boys in particular that caught my eye. The older one was about 5 and playing softball. He threw the ball in the air in front of him, ran towards it, let it bounce on the round and then swung with all his might so that he spun around. He didn’t hit the ball, but it was so cute how much effort he put into it. ^_^ The other kid was about four (guessing, since I saw them from a distance) and also trying to play softball. He threw the ball up, tried hitting it with the bat but wasn’t fast enough. So then he decided that since the bat wasn’t working, he’d just kick the ball because that way worked. XD So adorable.

I’ve almost finished the first stage of the front of the Hooded Baby Poncho I’ve begun making. Need to make a few adjustments to the size though. I’m making it for a big 12 month old, mainly because even if it is a bit big, it’ll still be fine and it can stretch. Plus, who knows how big the kid’ll be that’ll eventually wear it. So it’s just in case. ^-^ It’s a pretty greenish color, with a white hood. I picked “neutral” colors because then both boys and girls can wear it. Maybe I should start a hope chest or something like that. I’ve been reading this community and that gave me the idea. Just preparing for the future, slowly getting all the stuff together that I’ll need later once I’m ready to have kids so it won’t seem like such a big drain financially all of a sudden. :)

Rambling on about locusts and knitting

Julia Temisevä
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Went to see The Da Vinci Code on Friday with Oliver, Ryan and Shaun. Shaun drove since he finally passed his driving exam. He’s pretty good considering he hasn’t been driving for that long. Sorta makes me want to get my license at some point. Just not over here, since I can’t handle driving a car that’s got the wheel on the right. :-S Anywayz, the movie. To me it seemed kinda slow paced. The book just flew when I read it (before I heard the hype about it, Ellu just sent it to us and said that we should read it). But the movie… not so much. Maybe it’s because I prefer reading to watching movies. I get to go at my own pace and things actually look like how I want them to. Yes, I like having control of things. Another reason why I love playing games like Sims2 and Civ4. XD

The four of us went out yesterday as well. Ate at Nando’s and then went out for a walk. In the park we found a lot of frogs/toads. Jumping things anyway. I remember three of them quite clearly. The first one is the little cute baby frog hopping across the path. The second is an adult sitting in a puddle. That confused us at first: Why is it just sitting in a puddle?? Then it dawned on us as the puddle was getting bigger. It was peeing. XD And the last one was another adult toad, just sitting in the middle of the road. Oliver tried poking it to move away so it wouldn’t get run over by a car, but it wouldn’t budge. Ryan nudged it with his shoe, nothing. Shaun tried to make it move it, it just leapt forward once and made Shaun jump. In the end, we just left it there because it would not move! Silly toad.

I’ve been watching the National Geographic and History channels alot. I just looooove learning about hurricanes and tornadoes. I wonder if someone’ll want to take a road trip with me to Tornado Alley next year. All they get in Montana are blizzards. If those. I know the forces of nature aren’t to be messed with, but I want to experience a tornado passing over us. Well, I’ll just have to make do with NG. I did see this really cool thing about locusts on NG the other day. I now know the stages of life they go through, why they swarm, how they eat.. and most interestingly of all: why the Rocky Mountain locusts just suddenly disappeared after the huge swarm of 1875 (that I first heard about in the Little House on the Prairie books). And I want to complete the set that I have already. I’m missing the last three books: Little Town on the Prairie, These Happy Golden Years and The First Four Years. Which is why I’ve been looking in all the bookstores over here, but they don’t have them. So I guess I’ll just have to wait until I get to the States to buy them. I can’t wait to get to the huge bookstores they’ve got over there. My favorite store out of all of them. I just get this high whenever I go to a place with a lot of books, like a library. I want to read them all! XD

I’ve been knitting a lot. Almost finished a potholder for Oliver’s mom. The back of it is white in this kind of pattern:

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And then on the front, it’s a white background with four turquoise hearts and a “J” in the middle. :) It’s so nice to be knitting again. Very comforting. Next, I want to try to make a quilt. But that’ll have to wait until I get back home where I’ve got a sewing machine. Plus, I need to find a pattern that I like. And then of course some cloth to make it out of. XP