
Criminal Sock found!

Julia Temisevä
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From Blog photos

I finished my Dawn Gnot socks last night (actually wearing them right now, a sure sign summer is on its way out when I need to put on wool socks). They’re from the Criminal Sock Investigations e-book by Heather Zoppetti. Each pattern has a little blurb about what that particular sock has done. I think it’s a nice touch. There’s a KAL for it over on the Ravelry group for it. These are my first pair and I’ve already cast on for my second pair (Desi Myna). I used Woolhunter’s Ewereka Sock in Foxy Lady (a birthday gift from Lucy) on 2.5mm dpns. I also twisted the cables the other way on the second sock like it suggests in the pattern. Used Jeny’s Surprisingly Stretchy Bind Off for the first time ever. It is super stretchy. As for mods, the back of the leg is supposed to be stockinette stitch, but I changed that to 1x1 ribbing (and added one st) because I wanted to make sure the leg would have enough stretch and snugness at the same time. The pattern itself is fairly easy to memorise after a few repeats, but doing socks toe up on dpns kinda feels like I’m wrestling with a hedgehog in the beginning. While I don’t mind doing socks toe up that much, I definitely prefer knitting them cuff down. That’s the way I’m used to doing them (just like I will only use dpns for socks, magic looping bugs me as does 2 circs).

My Cadence sweater is going along fine. It’s really great TV knitting since most of it is stockinette stitch. I’m almost done with the body decreases, then it’s just straight knitting until I get to the hem ribbing. Then, of course, come the two sleeves. But I’m in no rush with this. I like having it as mindless knitting.

In other news, I got my hair cut today! While for most this isn’t really news, I only get mine cut about once a year. Last time I got it cut was in December 2010. The time before that, January 2010. I like low maintenance, so I chop off a chunk (still have it fairly long, past my shoulders) and then I just let it grow until it bugs me again. And it only really starts to bug me when I have my hair down and it keeps getting trapped in my elbows. My hair smells really yummy right now. I don’t know what the stuff is that they put in it when they blow dry and straighten my hair, but it sure smells nice. It is kinda silly trying to straighten my hair when it’s wet and/or humid. It just sproings back into its weird curls.

I really like this whole having time off work but not going anywhere thing we’re doing. O & I are taking long walks and just talk until the weather or our legs tell us it’s time to go home. And I’m making a lot of progress on my knitting and actually writing up/typing up patterns that I’ve had semi-ready for awhile. I’ve still got 5 days worth of holiday time to use up for this year so I’m planning on having another week off like this sometime in November (probably, will have to check what works for both me & O).

And in the naughty corner

Julia Temisevä
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We find Stalagmite once again in the naughty corner. I swear there is just something wrong with me when knitting this pattern. First sock went in the naughty corner after I messed up the cabling in the leg of the sock (I later ripped back three rounds and fixed it). Now it’s sock #2 that’s causing me grief. Just compare the top bit of the photo with the lower half. You’ll see. I was watching the latest ep of True Blood and apparently not paying enough attention to the sock. I haven’t ripped back yet, but I will tomorrow. When I’m done being mad at it.

In the meantime, I’ve cast on Dawn Gnot by Heather Zoppetti with some Woolhunter that Lucy gave me as a birthday present. So far I’ve done the toe and one pattern repeat. I only work on it while at work (as in waiting for work to start or during my lunch break) so it’s not seeing as much action as Stalagmite (a lot of good that’s done!).

I’ve also caved into a very strong urge and cast on Cadence by Jordana Paige (a Knitty pattern). I’m using the green yarn I bought this summer while in Finland (at 3 100g skeins for 5€, there was no way I’d say no to that deal). I’m using 5mm circs and so far I’ve done about 10 rounds. I really like the pattern so far. Turns out, I like quite a few of Jordana’s patterns. I’ve already knit Isabella (summer top), an apron and I’ve got Amused (a sweater) queued up. And I’m considering Starsky, but I don’t really knit jackets so who knows if I’ll ever get around to that one.

Additions to the household

Julia Temisevä
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Meet Chicken #1 and Chicken #2. They don’t have names yet. Probably never will. Why do I have chickens? Well, some of you may know about Beyonce the metal chicken. I told this story to O’s mother and ended it with: “You know, I kinda want one now.” Two weeks later, I’ve got chickens guarding my plant pot (which is full of weeds). She’s awesome that way. Doesn’t think I’m silly for wanting chickens, just goes out and finds me some. So today, while it was very sunny and warm out, I sat next to the chickens knitting and listening to Chop Bard (currently working my way through The Tempest).

Anyhoo, knitting news. Twisted Flowers are done. I love the colour. It’s so happy. There’s a picture of them on my Ravelry project page if anyone’s interested. I’ve started a pair of Stalagmites (again, by Cookie A). They look great, but omg the knitting is going by so slowly! I think it’s partly because I have to keep checking which chart I’m on and that slows me down (for some reason I just can’t seem to memorise this pattern). But I’ve made it past the heel and am about halfway through the gusset on the left sock. Definitely not portable knitting. But I’ve got my yarn wound for some (hopefully!) portable socks: Dawn Gnot by Heather Zoppetti. I’ll probably cast those on tomorrow during my lunch. Which reminds me, I should probably print out the pattern…

And there are more additions to my stash! Since I loved the base on my Twisted Flower socks so much, I bought more from Stitches ‘N Rows! I got the colourways Bombay Sapphire and Moody. The package originally arrived on Wednesday (so it took about a week to get here from the US), but since no one was in to accept it, I had it redelivered on Saturday. The yarn looks so much better in person. It’s so intense. Better than Wollmeise, imo. And a lot softer! I’ve also heard that they’re getting a new base, merino/cashmere/nylon if I remember correctly. I can’t wait until they’ve got that so I can send them a custom dye request. :D

Oh and I’ve finally got some Signature needles! O and R bought me a circ each, so now I’ve got 3.75mm and 4mm circs waiting to be used. I just need to pick a pattern for my green yarn (making a sweater) and off I go. So excited.

The Dr Seuss Shawl

Julia Temisevä
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From Blog photos

It’s done and blocked! Took me almost a month to knit this (Omelet from, mainly because I could only work on it while at home. And you know what else I discovered today? Photographing green projects in our garden is really tricky. The two others that I deemed worthy enough to be shared with others are posted to the project page on Ravelry. But I love it and can’t wait to wear it. Still a tad too warm to be needing shawls, so for now it’ll just hang out in the living room with my Laminaria.

My Twisted Flowers are coming along nicely. I’m ready for the heel flap on sock #2. I’d be further along if I hadn’t gotten distracted by a new design idea. The pattern’s almost ready to be sent to testers. I’m hoping for it be ready for public consumption by the end of September, but as always, I’ll announce it here on my blog when the pattern’s available for download. I’m also winding yarn for a pair of Dawn Gnots (by Heather Zoppetti). I’ll be using some Woolhunter Ewereka! (100% BFL) that I received as a birthday gift from Lucy last year. I’m tired of not having a portable project so Dawn Gnot it is.

In other news, the attic and the office rooms are finally as organized as they’ll get. Still need to buy a bookshelf and containers from IKEA so I can sort my stash better, but other than that, they’re done! I might even get some sewing done now that there’s space in the attic. We’ll see. Knitting will always be my first addiction, but the pull of sewing a dress for myself is fairly strong right now…

Knitting books

Julia Temisevä
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I’ve got more knitting books! Looks like I really should just go to IKEA and buy that bookcase I keep talking about. My knitting book pile just keeps on growing.


Heirloom Knitting by Sharon Miller came in the mail yesterday. Now, while I most likely won’t be knitting any of the patterns in here, I absolutely love all of the stitch patterns in it (the Shetland Bead in particular). That’s why I bought it. So many ideas just bouncing around in my head waiting to be put into patterns of my own. It’s inspiration.

The other book, Modern Knits Vintage Style, was a birthday gift. Shaun pointed out the pattern that made him decide that this book was right for me and I agreed with him. It was the Branching Out pattern, by Susan Pierce Lawrence. I’ve actually already knit this a few years ago when the pattern was released in Knitty. Shaun knows my style well. As for the other patterns in the book, there are quite a few that I’d consider knitting, with slight modifications. For instance the first pattern in the book, Cherry Short-Sleeve Cardigan, is almost perfect as it is. I’d just lose the belt in the middle. Belts just aren’t my thing. The Jacqueline Bouvier Stole looks interesting; I’m intrigued by the Very 1940s Snood; and I haven’t quite made up my mind whether I’d want to knit the Charming Shoulderette as written (in garter stitch) or change it up a bit and knit it in stockinette. So many options. And that’s the great thing about knitting, you can make any pattern to suit your tastes.

In other knitting news, my Dr Seuss Shawl (Omelet from Knitty) is beginning to drive me a bit batty. The rows are just so freakin’ long now. Over 300 sts per row. It’ll be at about 400 sts by the time I need to bind off. Still, only have 13 and a half rows to go (yes, I stopped in the middle of a row, but I’m sure I’ll figure out where in the pattern I was).

My Twisted Flower socks are my mindless knitting. Yes, really. And they’re so happy. The colour is wonderful. The yarn that I’m using is Happy Soles in “I can’t believe it’s not…” from Stitches N Rows on Etsy. And because I’ve fallen in love with that base, I just ordered two more skeins from them last night.

One more thing, before I go back to knitting Omelet and watching Babylon 5: There is a KAL (knit-along) for Bashful Butterflies! So far, I’ve met a ton of new knitters that I just otherwise wouldn’t have met, which is really cool. If you head on over to Google+, contact Jo Price to sign up (since Yana Weinstein is on holiday right now) she’ll let you know the coupon code for 40% off of Bashful Butterflies. Cast on is August 16th, 2011. I’ll try to be around as much as I can, answering questions and just cheering people on.

Trying to make life easier

Julia Temisevä
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… for those who want to buy me presents. Last weekend I went to Finland and saw Moomin mugs in the shops. I decided to start collecting them. As of right now, I own two. The one pictured which I bought last weekend and one that’s somewhere in storage at my mom’s. I can’t even remember which one it is. I think it’s blue? I got it years ago from my uncle. So! If you’re wanting to buy me a present but have no idea what to get me? A Moomin mug would certainly be appreciated. Or then there’s always my Amazon wishlist. Or various knitting related items that I’ve got my eye on.

Why am I mentioning this now? Because it’s my birthday next Friday. And I like getting gifts, even if it is just a bar of chocolate or something. Just the fact that someone remembered is the main thing. But if anyone’s inclined to buy me something bigger than a chocolate bar… ;)

So yes, I went to Finland last weekend. I was over there for four days. Renewed my passport, bought the mug, my youngest sister got confirmed, met up with a Belgian friend who I hadn’t seen for almost three years, went swimming. Good times were had. What I did forget about were the mosquitoes. And how tasty I am to them. I came home with seven really itchy bites. But still glad I went. Oh and I found some yarn on sale while I was there! Normal price was 2,95€/ball, but they were selling it 3 balls for 5€. So naturally I bought 6 balls. I gots me a sweater for 10€. :D

Knitting wise, the Lissajous are still on the needles. I’ve decided to keep them as just lunch hour knitting since I don’t have anything else that’s easily portable to work on. The last few days I’ve been trying to decide what my next project will be and that’s proven to be difficult. Last night I was thinking about sweaters. Today I was looking at lace shawls. I think I’ve chosen my yarn and pattern, but I’m not going to say what it is until I’ve actually cast on.

I’ve also started spinning with my new drop spindle. It’s a real challenge for me to spin thicker yarn that’s consistent now. I’ve gotten pretty good at getting really thin yarn on my old drop spindle, but thicker? I have to concentrate on that. But at least it’s going pretty quickly. Already over halfway through the 100g I’ve got (using SW English Wool Blend from Wildcraft Fibres in the Pudding colorway).

So while I’ve been thinking about my next project, I’ve been making more squares. I have a feeling this blanket’ll take at least another year, maybe two, to complete. But that’s okay, since it is for me, so there is no deadline for it. It’ll be ugliest thing ever (I’ve dubbed it FrankenBlanket), but at the same time, I’m pretty sure I’ll love it.

Stash Enhancement eXpedition (aka Woolfest)

Julia Temisevä
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So, last Saturday, I went to Woolfest with Nina and Lucy. Had a fabulous time. I was amazingly restrained in my purchasing. I think partly because most places only accepted cash or cheque, neither of which I had. We did take the free shuttle to Cockermouth from the fairground to get lunch and some cash, but I don’t like carrying a lot of cash on me, so I made sure to stick to a tight budget. Nina and Lucy on the other hand? Let’s just say that I’ve got stash envy. ;) I discovered quite a few dyers that I hadn’t heard of before. All three that are pictured are completely new to me. I had such a hard time picking a color in Wild Fire Fibres’ stall. I eventually settled on Cornflower (Tempo base) and I’ve already cast on with it (Lissajous by Cookie A). The drive there and back was nice and easy. Although on the way there we discovered that the CD player wouldn’t eject the CD. And since there weren’t that many radio stations that didn’t sound static-y, we listened to that one CD over and over again. And then some more. Other than that, it was a fabulous day. I definitely want to go again.

Which leads me today. Ryan is up from London so he and O decided to replace the stereo-radio system in the car. We went to Halfords, picked out a new one, then I left the two of them to it. They called in back-up after a few hours: O’s dad (he’s a mechanic). After four hours, it was all sorted out. I don’t have steering wheel controls any more, but now I can answer my phone if it rings while I drive, so it all evens out.

Last Sunday we went to a dance competition in Stockport. Ian & I placed 6th in both Beginner’s Ballroom (Waltz & Quickstep) and Beginner’s Latin (Cha & Jive). Even though I was still feeling pretty ill (the coughing fits after each round of dancing), just being able to dance again was worth it. If you really want to see me dance, I’ve uploaded a video of the waltz.

I’ve also been kinda promoted. I’ve moved to a new team within Accounts. My very first job was being a cashier at a supermarket, now I’m a Legal Cashier. Funny how that works. This was decided on Monday, started training on Tuesday. Which meant that we played musical desks again. I now sit where WorkJane used to sit. WorkJane sits at Lesley’s desk and Lesley moved to a completely different table in Purchase Ledger. And WorkJane doesn’t know about the move yet. She’ll be in for a surprise on Monday when she comes in from her holiday. Fun times. So far, I really like my new job. It’s scary since I am dealing with massive amounts of money and actually dealing with banks instead of just inputting the information into the accounting system. But it’s new and fun. It’s a nice change from what I used to do. And I really like most of the people in that team.

Let’s see, what else… I’ve finally finished spinning the Tea & Roses shipment. It was all done before Woolfest, which meant that I could purchase a new spindle. I’ve got 601 yds/98g of pretty laceweight to play with now. I mentioned that I’ve cast on the Lissajous. Oh! Bashful Butterflies update: only need to measure the small version’s dimensions, add photos to the pattern (which I’ll be taking this weekend when I can use my sisters as models), and then it’s done. My three testers have been fabulous and I hope they’ll volunteer to test for me again. They’ve caught my autocorrect errors, helped me re-phrase things in a clearer way, basically just been wonderful.

London baby!

Julia Temisevä
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This is a London baby. Our nephew to be exact. Isn’t he adorable? Really well behaved too (most of the time). A bit mischievous, but that’s why babies are so fun. They keep you on your toes.

So we went down to London on Thursday and came back today. Stayed over at O’s sister’s. Never have I been so glad to come home again. Sleeping on an air mattress is not fun. Especially when you need to share it with someone else. Every time O moved, I moved. Plus, since we were sleeping in the living room, we had to get up when the baby got up (which was around 7am every day).

We did do quite a few awesome things though:

Friday: very thrilling. Went to Sainsbury’s.

Saturday: The Loop! No Wollmeise for me. The selection was pretty small and they didn’t have any WM laceweight, which is what I wanted. I did buy other stuff though. Pictures will go on Rav soon (tomorrow most likely). Then we met up with Ryan and went to the Tower of London. Spent almost four hours wandering around. It was pretty cool. Now, I kinda regret not taking pictures while there but at the time I was just enjoying being there. Anyway, after that, we decided to walk to Waterloo station from there. Kinda farther than we realized but it was a nice walk all the same. Had dinner at Zero Degrees.

Sunday: Went for a walk with O’s sister (to ASDA of all places XD). Then in the afternoon we went over to Ryan’s. The boys played on the Xbox while I knit and read. I bought my first ebook just before we left and I swear I can see the money just flying out of my bank account. Turns out, I really like reading on my iPod touch. I still like “actual” books too. Got two waiting for me at the library right now so I’m not fully converted yet. There are cool features to ebooks though. Like just tapping a word and it brings up a dictionary definition for it.

Monday: Met up with a Plurk friend for lunch, then went to the sci-fi exhibit in The British Library. Met up with our former dance team captain and went to The Natural History Museum. Can I just say that museums rock? Especially with free entry? Oh oh oh! And I’m pretty sure I spotted a knitter on the Tube. She was wearing a very cool earring (yarn ball with needles through it) and a knit hat and had this bag. I first saw the bag and squeed internally, then I noticed the earring and hat and was positive I’d spotted a knitter. Now, where can I get one of those bags?

Tuesday: Came home! And boy am I glad to be back. The very first thing I did when we got home was go shower. I hate London water. Makes my hair all sticky and hard to manage. Yorkshire water is so nice in comparison (although I still think that Finnish water is the best). Ryan agrees. He also said that Yorkshire water is wetter than London water. Which I agree with.

While we’ve been gone, my indoor plants have flourished. No idea how since I forgot to water them before we left. The basil’s looking a bit dead and the strawberry plant’s drooping slightly, but the lettuce and beetroot and coriander just went nuts. Tomorrow (I’ve got the rest of the week off) I’ll be transferring some of the plants outdoors now that they’re strong enough. I’m also planning on doing lots of laundry and cleaning while I’m off. I like cleaning. Don’t give me that look. It’s fun. I make it fun. Because if I didn’t, nothing would get done. Plus, I’m a bit… let’s just say I like things in order. ^_^

Oh and knitting! The BFF socks are done. Cast on for Wedges. First one is done. Gotta say, not a huge fan of the pattern. Looks really wide (did the 64 st size, M?) and really short but they fit so… Anyway, my goal is to get the second one done this week, as well as finish spinning the fibre I started spinning last autumn. What can I say? I got distracted and then I lost my spinning mojo. It hasn’t quite returned, but I really want the yarn that I’m spinning up so I’ll just push through.


Julia Temisevä
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It felt like these socks took forever to knit. Partially because I knit almost three of them. The first one was out of Nerdclub2000’s Elementary Sock in Macbeth’s Tartan, but after the gusset decreases, I frogged it. Weird pooling and I really didn’t like how the colors looked in reverse stockinette stitch. So now I’ve got a pair from Araucania Ranco Multy in some random number color. I love how the Ranco feels and knits up. I’d probably be happier with these socks if I hadn’t had to rip out the first one. But at least they’re done. And they’re mine. All mine!

And I’ve moved onto a pair of really happy socks! The pattern’s BFF by Cookie A and the yarn is just so pretty and happy (pinks and reds and oranges; it’s some Regia that Ryan bought me one year for Christmas) and goes so well with the simple pattern. ^_^

In other news, I will not be renewing my passport in London this week like I thought I would. I’m still going to London, since we have our train tickets and the time off work, but if I can renew it in Finland for much cheaper, then I will. Seriously, £105 to renew it in London (that’s with normal delivery!) or 53€ for the exact same thing in Finland. Now, since I don’t have a week to hang out in Finland, I’ll be paying a bit more to get it done the same day (82€/£71), but it’s still cheaper than London. Ridiculous. Ridiculous prices.

The bright side of this? I have more money to spend on yarn at Woolfest! :D (And I will be buying new shoes too since my current ones are kinda falling apart. It helps that I’ve got a £10 off Amazon voucher to use too.)

A fairly family centric post

Julia Temisevä
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Isn’t it cute? This teapot was a Christmas gift from my sister Jaz (along with tea and teaballs). She knows me so well. I love the pattern and the colors on it. ^_^

No new news really. Still knitting Rhombus. I would’ve had the pair done by now, but I got sidetracked by two things. Firstly, I discovered the library in the centre of Sheffield (how had I not been in there before now??) and I’ve spent my lunch breaks reading The Red Queen by Philippa Gregory instead of knitting. And while I’ve been at home, I’ve been knitting a DK version of one of my designs. The shawlette has been sent to testers and I’m hoping to release the pattern by the end of July (it all depends on how fast my testers are and how much trouble the charts are giving me). So that’s where my knitting time has gone.

I was just on the phone with my dad (just occurred to me, I only talk with him like once a month. Huh.). My youngest sister Jade wants to come over at some point this summer and I was just letting him know that I need some advance warning so that I can request time off work for when she’s here. I hope she does get to come. She’s really cute and loves to be photographed, so I could use her as my knitwear model. I wish we all lived closer to each other. We’re all so spread out right now. Ellu is in Chicago, Jaz is in Belgium and Jade’s in Finland while I’m here. At least it’s fairly easy for me to get to each of them. But it’s still at least a day’s travel, no matter where I’m going. And it’s not as cheap as just driving over (like we do with O’s parents). It’d be nice if O’s sister lived closer too. I want to play with my nephew! And teach him Finnish. I want him to be able to speak to his future cousins in both languages, not just in English.