Desiring fiber

Julia Temisevä
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I want to buy yarn. Like now. From Lisa Souza. I (heart) Lisa Souza. I want the Alpaca Lace and some Sock! and Sock! Merino wouldn’t hurt either. And I would looooooooooove to get some silk as well. Any silk really. A silk blend even. And Lisa’s colors… *drool* I want Milk & Honey, Emerald City, Mars Quake, Aww-tum, Printemps, Earth Birth, Little Devil, Sky Drama… the list goes on and on and on. I want almost everything that she has dyed. Seriously.

But, *sigh* I have stash. And I do actually want to get through it someday. And I am doing that. It’s just taking a long time. I just have this fear that suddenly Lisa will disappear into the ether and I’ll never get the yarn that I lust after. :(

The back of my Isabella is close to being done. Only 5.5" before I do the neckline shaping and then binding off! Yay! The 1840s scarf is turning out wonderfully. I have a feeling that it’ll take three skeins instead of just two, but that’s okay. I’ve got a third skein of the Rowan 4ply soft in my stash, it’s just a different color. Again, that’s okay because the person who’ll get this for Christmas likes both colors that I’m using.

I really feel like decluttering. That’s why I’m trying to use up all of my perfume/make-up. Then I can go buy more. Ah, I’ve been conditioned to be a consumer. And I want books! And bookshelves to house my books obviously. Storing stuff in a suitcase gets old pretty quickly. Especially when the said storage suitcases are moved into really awkward places that equate never getting to stored items because it’s a pain in the butt to get to them. Ahem. I haven’t experienced it yet personally, but I do know that my Little House and Jane Austen books are in a corner of the universe that isn’t easily accessible. Actually, what I *really* want is my own place (that I will obviously share with Oliver) where the only person who moves things around is me (and Oliver). That way, I know where it is. Simple as that.

Okay, going back to listening to L&V and knitting Isabella.

Annoying day

Julia Temisevä
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*sigh* Today has been several things. Tiring (because I got up at eight when I’m used to staying in bed until 11), frustrating and annoying. The frustrating part came from people being unsure of when reading week *is* and misinforming us. It’s not Nov. 5-9, but a week later. And this little alteration screws up my plans for going to see Oliver. So now I’m still going to Sheffield on Halloween (with the stupid rail works causing disruptions no less) but I have to come back on Sunday. Then I’ve got another week of classes before I go back to Sheffield and spend the week there. Grr.

And then, here’s the kicker, I usually have dance class on Wednesdays from 3-5pm, right? Right. So I get there at 2:30, tell the reception that I’m going to the dance class and go get changed. At 2:45, two guys show up with fencing stuff so I ask if they’re intending on using the room and they said that they’ve got a tournament. So we go down to the front desk and yep, the fencers have the room. And no one told me about this little change. I even got an e-mail on Monday confirming today’s practice! Gah. And I ran into Hannah this morning and she said she’d see me at practice later today. So I’m not the only one who thought that there was one. It’s still annoying though. And I’ve checked my e-mail, no notice about there being a change. So I don’t know where the problem came from; either the Sports Center didn’t inform the team about it (I didn’t see anyone else there so they must have known) or then the team didn’t tell me. Either way, I’m still annoyed.

And I’ve run out of milk. Which means I need to go to the store. Again.


Julia Temisevä
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And, my dear friends, I believe I have just completed my first portfolio. 2,646 words about obsessions. And I didn’t even realize all of the pieces I wrote for the portfolio were about some sort of obsession until just now as I wrote the closing lines of my commentary. But yep, I quickly read through my portfolio and all five pieces are some form of an obsession.

Apparently, I am very interested in obsessions right now. At least I know I’m pretty good at writing about them. Y’see, today’s seminar was about how a piece of clothing tells you something about the person who owns/wears it. And I wrote a short piece about The Knitter who apparently is a bit loopy (I didn’t realize quite how crazy I had made them!) and everyone loved it. It was the only one that made people laugh and actually *talk* about.

Quick sidenote: It’s not too obsessive to notice if your needles are half a millimeter too thick for the yarn, is it? Because, that leads to gauge problems right?

At least I don’t hear my yarn talk to me unlike The Knitter. XP So if y’all wanna read about a loopy knitter (and I -just- got all of the possible meanings for loopy in this context), lemme know and I’ll e-mail it to ya. ;) It’s only a page long and feedback would be nice… *hinthint*

Took my breadloaf ends out to the beach today and fed the birds as I watched the sun set. Really pretty and no clouds! The pinks in the horizon and the gold drops of liquid light reflecting on the blue-green water… Beauteous I tell you, beauteous.

O.P.I. rules!

Julia Temisevä
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Doing girly stuff makes me feel better. Like doing my nails. And taking frustrations out on stains on the counters and such.

Should I be worried?


Julia Temisevä
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If you ever want a clean(er) kitchen, get me annoyed.

That is all.


Julia Temisevä
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Okay. Before I was anxious that I couldn’t reach the appropriate word limit. Now, I’m finding out that I actually might run out of space. I’ve got about 500 left to talk about two of my pieces in my portfolio. Can someone remind me next time that I *seriously* should not worry about not meeting the limit?

And I just realized how late it was. Gah, time flies when I write. Should go to sleep. Let’s just hope that I won’t have to stand outside for ten minutes in the cold at 5 a.m. again. Stupid fire alarm this/last morning…

One more entry before I go back to writing

Julia Temisevä
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Let me just say: THANK [insert your choice of deity here] I brought last year’s theory notes with me to Aber. This is why I don’t like to throw things away as soon as I’m done with them. I never know if I’ll need them again. Plus, there was still loads of space (ie empty pages) in the notebook and I hate to waste paper…

Found a "new" drink

Julia Temisevä
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I love love love honey tea. For the life of me, I can’t remember why I don’t buy honey unless I’ve got a cold. So there is one good thing about this cold. Rediscovering a lovely hot drink.

Been working on my portfolio and knitting Isabella.

Pigeons keep trying to fly into my room, but even though my window’s open, the gap’s not big enough for them to come in: Free entertainment. XD But, there happens to be pigeon crap in the kitchen because someone keeps leaving the window open and letting them in. I refuse to clean it up this time. I’ve already been suckered into obsessively cleaning the stove; I’m not wiping up pigeon droppings as well. That job can be left to the person who keeps using my utensils (I don’t mind that part) and washes them after use (don’t mind this either) but leaves the soap to dry onto them instead of rinsing. Grr. This does seem to be a British habit though. I can count on two fingers the number of British people I know who rinse the dishes after washing them. The rest… Yum, soap.

Late night productivity again

Julia Temisevä
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Okay, so on Tuesdays I go to “Writing Lives” (the one with Cute Teacher). This week’s assignment is to write something based on a person’s clothing. I asked if I could write about a WIP (work in progress for you non-knitters), he said that that would be okay “and it’s actually a really interesting and original idea”.

So, I just spent the last forty minutes writing about yarn. *grin* I get to have fun and join two of my passions (for a grade too!). How lucky am I? Now I guess I should either pick up the project I wrote about or work on my portfolio. Less than 11 days to go until it has to be done. :-S

And I’m sick

Julia Temisevä
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Yep, the cold that’s been going around finally caught up with me. At least I think it’s the cold. Sniffly nose, sore throat, runny eyes. But I also get chills and sometimes feel like throwing up. Those don’t sound like cold symptoms to me…